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The 2020 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards Application

Awards Categories

Leadership Commitment and Action (Aligned to WEP 1):


This category recognizes leaders in corporations who have been instrumental in setting strong corporate commitments inclusive of progressive polices, regulations or practices that aim to promote gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and/or community. This may include company leaders taking specific roles and responsibilities in promoting gender equality within the company and making public commitments or delivering gender sensitive messages to the public. This category will have an additional award to recognize youth leaders (under the age of 30) who have made significant contributions to promoting gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and/or community. This could be a young entrepreneur who has initiated gender responsive policies or actions in their company, young leaders of start-ups that are promoting gender quality and women’s empowerment, or young employees who actively promote gender equality within their organizations. In order to qualify for this award, the nominated leader does not need to be a CEO, Founder or in an official leaderhsip position. In order to qualify for this award, the nominated leader does not need to be a CEO, Founder or in an official leaderhsip position. Any individual who has demonstrated strong leadership according to the criteria may apply.


Gender-inclusive Workplace (Aligned to WEPs 2, 3):


This award recognizes achievements that corporations have demonstrated in adopting relevant gender-inclusive measures in the workplace. This may include innovative approaches to equal recruitment, support to provide flexible work arrangements, addressing specific needs of female and male employees, transformational initiatives to support family responsibilities of female and male employees to address the unequal care burden, and accelerative actions to guarantee the safety and well-being of female and male employees, accelerating progress towards equal pay, and promote women’s career development and leadership. 


Gender-responsive Marketplace (Aligned to WEPs 4,5): 


This category recognizes corporations for embracing a gender-lens throughout their value-chains from sourcing to disposal. This may include championing supplier diversity, gender-inclusive distribution and selling and gender responsive marketing and advertising. It may include supporting women entrepreneurs through capacity development or market access opportunities, implementing progressive programs and/or policies to incentivize procurement from women-owned businesses or other gender-responsive companies. This category will also award actions and programs that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in advertisements and other sales and marketing activities. 

Community and Industry Engagement (Aligned to WEP 6):


This category recognizes corporate champions that promote gender equality through community and industry engagement. This engagement may include integrating gender equality into their sustainability strategies, CSR or philanthropy programs, supporting and collaborating with NGOs, international organizations, or other organizations committed to promoting gender equality, or participating in any advocacy or multi-stakeholder platforms to promote gender equality. This category will also award actions to promote transformational action or systemic change within the company’s respective industry, such as efforts to influence the industry towards more gender-responsive standards and/or joint-programming to advance specific issues in a specific industry/sector.  


COVID-19 Action:


The Champion in COVID-19 Award specifically recognize companies or leaders which have made significant contributions to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the context of COVID-19. These contributions may include adopting gender-sensitive responses to COVID-19 to support female and male employees, supporting women owned small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), supporting women and girls in the community, and raising awareness of women’s needs during the pandemic and encouraging women’s leadership and participation in fighting COVID-19. 

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©2024 UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

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