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Penghargaan UN Women 2020 Asia-Pacific WEPs:
Temui Pemenang Regional

Kami sangat senang mengumumkan pemenang Penghargaan WEPs UN Women 2020 Asia-Pasifik Asia-Pasifik yang pertama kalinya!
Selamat kepada semua pemenang yang telah berkomitmen untuk memajukan kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan. Para juara gender dari berbagai negara, sektor, dan bidang ini masing-masing diakui atas Komitmen Kepemimpinan, Kepemimpinan Pemuda, Tempat Kerja yang Inklusif Gender, Pasar Responsif Gender, Keterlibatan Komunitas dan Industri, dan Aksi COVID-19 mereka yang luar biasa.

Divya Hegde
Founder, Baeru Environmental Services
Divya believes women are key agents for development in rural India. Baeru enables women’s socio-economic empowerment by leveraging the power of design, technology, linguistic and regional context in Karnataka. Women are trained to collect, segregate and upcycle waste ensuring regular income and upskilling for them.
Divya believes women are key agents for development in rural India. Baeru enables women’s socio-economic empowerment by leveraging the power of design, technology, linguistic and regional context in Karnataka. Women are trained to collect, segregate and upcycle waste ensuring regular income and upskilling for them.

Pallavi Sherring
CEO, Epicenter Rural India Pvt Ltd
Pallavi Sherring founded Epicenter to co-create solutions directly with the women in villages. She started identifying Rural women leaders and artists across India by Partnering directly with Self Help groups and Artist Communities. They have partnered with over 100 artists and over 200 women entrepreneurs across India includingRajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal ,Bihar and Orissa.
Pallavi Sherring founded Epicenter to co-create solutions directly with the women in villages. She started identifying Rural women leaders and artists across India by Partnering directly with Self Help groups and Artist Communities. They have partnered with over 100 artists and over 200 women entrepreneurs across India includingRajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal ,Bihar and Orissa.

NatWest Group
RBS promotes women’s career development and advances in leadership by building a strong internal pool of colleagues with the required skills, capabilities and experience to help them advance through specially designed development programmes tailored to each level of their career journey. By end of 2020, 14 of their 15 business areas have 30% or more women in the top three leadership, with programmes designed for top leadership, vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, team leaders and employees.

Dharma Life
The Jaya Alliance sets out to help rural women transcend psychological and cultural barriers, provide interactive learning experiences, to build new skill sets and offer access to jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities via the mobile application. 1,200 master Entrepreneurs were trained and engaged in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand. Collectively, through the efforts of these DLEs, over 120,000 rural women have been sensitised, 42,000 received counselling, 8,900 completed a training across one of 12 skills and over 6,000 women were placed into a job or started their own business.


The Very Group
The Very Group offers Access to Remedy and legal awareness among women in Tamil Nadu in the textile industry called The South Indian Textile Mill project. They created awareness and implementation of ethical employment practices and proactively engaged factories, mills and workers. They have established a grievance redressal mechanism providing workers a voice and access to remedy and approximately 23,000 people have been engaged by the project so far.

Biocon Ltd India
Biocon has been actively reporting on its BioWin(BioconWomenInitiatives)-focussed on engaging, enriching and empowering women in the workplace. This was introduced in 2017 to focus on increasing the diversity ratio through unbiased hiring and retain existing women employees through various initiatives, policies and practices that enhance their safety, work life balance, career development, productivity and performance. BioWin Initiative and it’s activities are regularly reported in the monthly newsletter and Annual report of the organization.

Namita Vikas
Founder and Managing Director, auctusESGLLP - Leadership
Namita Vikas encourages women participation and inclusion in sustainable finance and ESG (through development of financial products) that are emerging as key opportunities to drive investments to meet theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which includes Gender Equality (SDG 5). Having started her own consulting firm, ,auctusESG, Namita is now devising, leading and scaling her sustainability mission of gender equality and women empowerment.
Namita Vikas encourages women participation and inclusion in sustainable finance and ESG (through development of financial products) that are emerging as key opportunities to drive investments to meet theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which includes Gender Equality (SDG 5). Having started her own consulting firm, ,auctusESG, Namita is now devising, leading and scaling her sustainability mission of gender equality and women empowerment.

Runner Up Pertama

Radhika Ramesh
Executive Vice-President (EVP) & Head of Global Delivery Center - Cloud and Infrastructure Services, Capgemini Technology Services India Pvt Ltd
Sakhi Drishtikon is a unique program by Capgemini that envisions digital education across the globe. Radhika Ramesh’s efforts drove forward this initiative which is aimed at rural literate women from economically weak backgrounds with a location mobility challenge, to enable them with career options in the IT sector, with over 300 women currently under training.
Sakhi Drishtikon is a unique program by Capgemini that envisions digital education across the globe. Radhika Ramesh’s efforts drove forward this initiative which is aimed at rural literate women from economically weak backgrounds with a location mobility challenge, to enable them with career options in the IT sector, with over 300 women currently under training.

Kanika Ahuja
CEO, Conserve India
Kanika’s goal for societal transformation in the Textiles sector to make it more ethical and environmentally sustainable. Her artisan program for livelihoods is currently underway in 4 states in India with an overarching network of almost 4500 artisans (70% of whom are women) including waste workers, rural artisans and refugees.
Kanika’s goal for societal transformation in the Textiles sector to make it more ethical and environmentally sustainable. Her artisan program for livelihoods is currently underway in 4 states in India with an overarching network of almost 4500 artisans (70% of whom are women) including waste workers, rural artisans and refugees.

Capgemini Technology Services India Pvt Ltd
The WinspirE program at Capgemini provides equal growth opportunities and favourable working conditions for all colleagues. Capgemini has multiple leadership programs namely Women Sponsorship program, We Empower, PowerAhead, Leadership Academy, Game Changer, Pace Setter to strengthen women in leadership roles to understand the dynamics surrounding leadership and build a purposeful plan for career development.

Aspire For Her Management and Consultancy Pvt Ltd
EntrepreNaari by Aspire For Her, is a network that offers free and easy access to resources,networking opportunities, mentorship, guidance and community support to existing and aspiringwomen entrepreneurs. The concept of Entreprenaari came from a sense of inclusion since entrepreneurship can be tough hard fun, lonely but also exciting. The EntrepreNaari community welcomes and engages entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey by providing guidance and mentorship, resoruces and learning opportunities, and peer community support among others.


Sterlite Technologies Limited
Sterlite’s Jeewan Jyoti Women Empowerment Program was set up in Velhe in Maharashtra in 2014. The program aims to help rural women not just emerge as self-confident and financially independent individuals, but enable them lead transformation and development in their communities through the support ecosystem right from training to entrepreneurship and microfinancing. It offers vocational skilling, personality development, soft skills, and confidence-building among others.

Zensar is focused on Gender Mainstreaming through Gender Indicators - Over the years, they have continuously evolved their strategy, bridged gaps, and alignedto new ways of thinking about Diversity & Inclusion and reporting. The relaunched their diversity metrics involving various parameters through a dashboard and various sources which provides reports and actional insights to drive business results.

Conserve India
Conserve India started LIFAFFA - which creates sustainable fashion while providing livelihoods to the most exploited classes of wastepickers and artisans, especially focusing on women workers and asylum seekers by providing them a means of dignified livelihood by producing sustainable products from upcycling one time use plastic waste. The company developed a technology to convert singleuse plastics into a new material called “Handmade Recycled Plastic (HRP) which looks and feels like Leather. A group of women waste workers is mobilised and trained in processing plastic waste into HRP fabric.

2nd Runners Up

Jaya Virwani D and I Leader Global Delivery
EY India
Jaya took on the role of D&I Leader for EY Global Delivery Services and built a consistent strategy and vision to advance gender parity across ranks and businesses. Jaya’s vision of the last nine years has been to build EY women's leadership pipeline to create a workforce that will support the closing of the gender gap and nurture an environment where everyone is able to become architects of the transformative age.
Jaya took on the role of D&I Leader for EY Global Delivery Services and built a consistent strategy and vision to advance gender parity across ranks and businesses. Jaya’s vision of the last nine years has been to build EY women's leadership pipeline to create a workforce that will support the closing of the gender gap and nurture an environment where everyone is able to become architects of the transformative age.