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Penghargaan UN Women 2020 Asia-Pacific WEPs:
Temui Juri

Andy Yentriyani
Chairperson, Indonesia National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan)
Andy Yentriyani is the Chair of the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan). She has been involved in Komnas Perempuan since 2000, preventing and eliminating violence against women. Among her interests is documenting stories about Indonesian women, their problems and their struggles to survive. She continues to strive to eliminate violence against women, which is still a major issue in modern society.
Andy finished her undergraduate education at Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, majoring in International Relations, and went on to pursue a master’s degree in Media and Communication at the University of London. She is also actively publishing papers focusing on gender equality in Indonesia, with the recent publication of Roadmap for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2020-2045 in 2019.

Desiyanti Karlina Jacob
Committee, East Nusa Tenggara National Craft Council
Desiyanti Karlina Jacob is a am Trainer & Consultant in business development , education , mental health , character development , and capacity building for children , Youth , and adults . She has more than 12 years of experience in managing development programs in local NGOs , such as economic empowerment programs for vulnerable groups , Including women in 6 districts in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) , and education programs in several provinces in Indonesia .
She us currently running a business in the food and beverage sector where 80% of the employees are disabled . She has received several national and international awards , some of which are the best program awards that emphasize the participation in the inclusion of vulnerable groups of development planning in East Nusa Tenggara by HIVOS in The Hague , Award for being one of the best participants in the activities of the Bank Indonesia Young Entrepreneur School East Nusa Tenggara .
Desiyanti is also certified as a Psychology First Aid Trainer , Barista , and Roaster . Currently she is developing a coffee training center , focusing on baristas and roastery. In addition , she and her team are currently developing the I am Hear program , a platform to provide " listening " services , as the first step in providing psychological first aid in East Nusa Tenggara .

Rut Krüger Giverin
Ambassador-Designate of Norway to Indonesia, Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta
Ambassador Giverin is a career diplomat with broad experience from
living and working in four continents over the last 20 years. She joined
the Norwegian Foreign Service in 1998. Since 2017 she has been
serving as Ambassador of Norway to Mexico with side accreditation
to six countries in Central America.
Her first posting was to Indonesia from 2001 to 2004. During that period she learnt Indonesian
and travelled extensively throughout the archipelago. Her third child, Magnus, was born in Jakarta
in 2003. In her spare time, she enjoys nature and spending time outdoors, travelling, running
marathons and scuba diving.

Indra Gunawan
Acting Deputy of Public Participation, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Republic of Indonesia
Indra Gunawan is the Senior Advisor to the Minister for Family Development and Acting DeputyMinister for Civil Society Participation in the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and ChildProtection of the Republic of Indonesia (MOWECP). Within the Ministry, he previously heldseveral positions such as Deputy Minister for Civil Society Participation, Director for Childrenwith Special Needs, and also Bureau of Planning and Data.He obtained his Master's Degree in Population and Social Research at Mahidol University, inThailand. He also undertook non-formal education including Gender Mainstreaming, GenderImpact Assessment, and Strengthening Inter Ministerial Gender Network. With his workingexperience in the public sector, he managed to build his career around programmedevelopment, planning and budgeting, and gender policy analysis as well.

Michiko Miyamoto
Country Director, ILO Indonesia and Timor Leste
Ms. Miyamoto is currently the Country Director for ILO activities for Indonesia and Timor-Leste since March 2017. She is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.Prior to that, she was the Deputy Country Director for ILO activities for Indonesia and Timor Leste. Promoting ILO’s mandate of Decent Work for All, she has worked in Indonesiaand Timor Lestesince 2011 under the country framework of focuses on job creation, sound industrial relations and social protection. She has worked in the field of international development for almost 30years. Prior to joining the ILO Office in Indonesia, she worked at the ILO Headquarters and the Regional Office for Asia Pacific, specializing small business development, job creation programme, and capacity developmentof workforce and institutions. She was also responsible for global agendasetting and consultation meetings for the ILO Governing Body with employers’ associations and trade unions for employment and social policy debate and discusses. Ms. Miyamoto holds Master of Public Administration and Master of Art, Public and International Affairs from University of Pittsburgh.

Risa E Rustam
Director of Finance and Human Resource, Indonesia Stock Exchange
Appointed as Director of Finance and Human Resources of IDX at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 29, 2022. She obtained her Bachelor ofEconomics from Gadjah Mada University in 1988 and started hercareer in the capital market in 1989 atHSBC-Custodial Servicesas a Staff Officer. Joined PT Baring Securities Indonesia in 1991 asSettlements Manager. She served as Director of PT ING SecuritiesIndonesia since 1999, then as Director/COO at PT MacquarieSekuritasfrom 2004 to 2016. Her last position in IDX was Director of Finance and Human Resources of IDX since 2018 until 2022. She is also active in various WorkCommittees and Task Forces at OJK, IDX, KPEI & KSEI since 1998 to2016. She has a CACP Certificate (Certification in Audit CommitteePractices) from the Indonesian Audit Committee Association (IKAI).In March 2021 she was appointed by the Minister of Women’sEmpowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesiaas one of the advocates or representatives of Indonesia for the G20EMPOWER Alliance in order to improve the promotion of women’sleadership and economic development. Since September 2021 she also serves as the Head of MarketDevelopment in the Indonesia Capital Market Sustainable FinanceTask Force. She has also been selected by the World Federationof Exchanges (WFE) as one of its Women Leaders of 2022, onMarch 3, 2022.

2020 Judges
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