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Penghargaan UN Women 2020 Asia-Pacific WEPs:
Temui Juri

Ms. Ha Thi Minh Duc
Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
Ms. Ha Thi Minh Duc, PhD. in economic management, is the Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Viet Nam.
Ms. Duc is in charge of the overall ASEAN cooperation in her Department, including the issues of labour and migrant workers, social welfare and development , women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons. She has been acting as the Leader of Viet Nam delegates to the ASEAN Senior Official Meetings on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD), ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW) and has also been nominated as the representative of child rights of Viet Nam to the ASEAN Commission on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) since 2016.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
General Secretary, ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN) Vietnam.
Mrs. Thao has nearly 15 years working for VCCI in different departments: Member of APEC CEO Summit 2006 Secretariat Committee to organize APEC CEO Summit in November 2006 in Hanoi; Expert and Coordinator of Event and Communication Team in Project Department of The Institute of Information Technology for business, VCCI (2006 – 2009).
Mrs. Thao has experiences in different fields such as supporting and protecting legal rights of women entrepreneurs: trade and investment promotion; policy advocacy and consultation; start-up and women entrepreneurship support; enhance capacity for women-led enterprises, supporting to promote harmonious labor relationship, gender equality and women empowerment in enterprises. etc.
She has been coordinating some projects and programs on enhancing capacity for women entrepreneurs, gender equality and women entrepreneurs development, for example: #SheMeansBusiness Project to support enhancing online marketing skill for women entrepreneurs in Vietnam, The Project on “Accelerate Growth of Women-Led Enterprises in Vietnam: Needs Assessment and Development of the Support Program for Women-Led Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” (July 1, 2017 through 05/2018); Project on implementation of the coordination and management of the “WECREATE |VIETNAM. (The Women’s Entrepreneurial Center of Resources, Education, Access, and Training for Economic Empowerment in Vietnam, supported by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) and StartUp Cup), etc and participating in many other projects and activities of VWEC.
She graduated from Hanoi Foreign Trade University in 2005 and received master’s degree in Project for Innovation and Enterprise Projects Management from Nante University in 2014.

Dr. Le Quang Canh
Associate Professor, Faculty of Development Economics, National Economics University.
Associate Professor Dr. Le Quang Canh is currently a vice director of Institute for Sustainable Development and a lecturer for Faculty of Development Economics, National Economics University. He has more than 20 years of experiences in education for both undergraduate and graduate levels. His teaching includes Research methods, Economic Forecasting, The Contemporary Theories in Economic Research, and Microeconometrics. He also has extensive experiences in working with the international organizations (UNDP, WB, ActionAid Vietnam, Oxfam Anh, JICA, DFID, KOICA), state agencies (National Foundation for Science and Technology Development, Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Planning and Investment), and provincial authorities.
His research interests are Applied economics, Development studies, Economic Forecasting, State governance. His publications have been published on Economics Letters, Journal of Time Series Econometrics, Journal of Business Ethics, Post-Communist Economies, Crime Laws and Social Change, Public Administration & Development, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, Journal of Economic and Development, Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, and Economic Studies,….

Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh
Chairwoman, Viet Nam Women Entrepreneurs Council.
She has more than 38 years working experience, over 100 times abroad, attended Summits, conferences, workshops and matching business events etc. in nearly 60 countries and territories. She has edited and co-edited 8 books, 20 subjects and researches; being speakers at hundreds domestic and international Forums, Conferences. She has extensive experience in many fields such as: policy advocacy and consultation; trade and investment promotion; start-up & entrepreneurship supporting, SMEs and women-led enterprises promotion; supporting to promote harmonious labor relationship, gender equality and women empowerment in enterprises.
She was honoured to receive many Awards, Medals and Certificate of Merit: The Third-Class Labor Medal from the President of the S.R of Vietnam for the Extraordinary achievements in establishing and operating the ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN) in 2016; Certificates of Merit awarded by the Prime Minister for the achievements in contributing of building socialism and defending the country in 2012; Certificate of Merit of the Prime Minister for her outstanding achievements in the preparation and organization of successful events in the year APEC 2017 (2018). Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Foreign Affairs for actively supporting and coordinating work with units under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020); Certificate of Merit from Head of the President’s office for contribution in coordination with the Office of President in 2021. Campaign medal “For Business development” from the President of VCCI for outstanding achievements in supporting business and entrepreneurs in 2011 and contributing to the development of the Vietnamese business community; Campaign medal “For the young generation” for the achievement of contributing to the education of the young generation and building the union of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in 2012; Campaign medal “For the development of Vietnamese women” of the Vietnam Women’s Union in 2012; Various Certificates of Merit given by VCCI Chairman, Ministry of Labour, Invalids & Social Affairs. Besides that, she was also honored to be awarded the title of “Global Trade Ambassador” by Women in International Trade-Los Angeles (WIT-LA) in 2015 for having the achievement of trade promotion and supporting for a lot of women in business and global trade. In 2016, she was honored to receive the Medal of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs for the cause of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs. In June 2018, she received Higashi-Kuninomiya International Culture Award – which was given by Higashi-Kuninomiya International Culture Award Memorial Foundation.

2020 Judges
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